Oc Aerosol Grenade

Oc Aerosol Grenade

The 6 oz. OC Aerosol Grenade will delivery its payload of 1.3% MC% OC in 20-25 seconds. This is a antomized mist which enhances the pungent 1.3% OC formulation. Ideal for area denial areas like attics, garages, etc. This device has minimum clean up. The canister may also be hand held to direct the spray […], The Defense Technology® OC Vapor Aerosol Grenade is for law enforcement and corrections use to deliver a high concentration of Oleoresin Capsicum ( OC ) in a powerful mist. The grenade is designed for indoor-use in confined areas and, once deployed, inflames the mucous membranes and exposed skin resulting in an intense burning sensation. The incapacitating.

OC /CS Aerosol Grenade Designed for indoor use, this grenade contains no CFCs, is not a fire hazard and requires minimal decontamination by comparison to smoke, powders, or liquids. The Aerosol Grenade is most commonly used in tactical situations by Law Enforcement and Corrections and was designed with indoor operations in mind when a non fire …

First Defense OC Aerosol Grenades – 1.3 MC – 6.0 ounce. The First Defense® Aerosol Grenade by Defense Technology was designed as an operator controlled instantaneous initiated non-pyrotechnic aerosol grenade . It was designed for indoor use, contains no CFCs, is not a fire hazard and requires minimal decontamination.

First Defense OC Aerosol Grenade Brand: Defense Technology The Aerosol Grenade Fogger is a used to ensure dynamic results in clearing contained spaces like attics, crawl spaces, rooms, and commercial locations where fire risks inhibit the use of other devices.

The Aerosol Grenade is ideal for cell extractions or barricadesituations where the use of pyrotechnic, powder, or liquid devices is not practical or desired. The OC and CS combination providesufficient effects in confined areas of up to 1,500 square feet. The Aerosol Grenade is not recommended for outdoor use.

Sabre Red, 10% OC Fogger, Aerosol Grenade , 5.0 oz. SABRE RED aerosol grenades are ideal for crowd control, cell extractions and area denial. Delivering up to 200% more OC per second than hand held sprays, SABRE RED aerosol grenades provide a practical and cost effective tool to disperse, deny and extract.

Tradename:AerosolGrenade, OC /CS (Cont’d. from page 1) 42.0 STOT SE 3 H335 May cause respiratory irritation. · Additionalinformation:0 % of the mixture consists of component(s) of unknown toxicity. · 2.2Labelelements · LabellingaccordingtoRegulation(EC)No1272/2008 The product is classified and labelled according to the CLP regulation …
